Stress is a threat to the quality of life and to physical and psychological well-being and individual interpretation and responses vary considerably.
People differ when facing stressful situations, what is difficult for one person may be a pleasure to someone else. Therefore we need to identify our own particular stressors – the everyday things, life changing events or relationships that put us under strain. There is usually a build up effect and several contributing factors that we may or may not be able to control.
Four contributing factors to becoming tense and exhausted:
1. Other people
2. Unacceptable time pressures
3. Sleep deprivation
4. Many life change events
What can you do about it?
Ways to lessen the effects of stress are: Looking after yourself physically and psychologically; this means learning ways of relaxing, eating healthy food, exercising, looking at coping strategies, massage, new hobbies or interest, dealing with panic attacks and reducing anxiety levels through different techniques.
How can counselling help?
Counselling allows you to identify your stressors and helps you to make lifestyle changes, whether these are external and/or internal changes. It can help you look at ways of dealing with the physical effects of stress and how to learn relaxation techniques and improve sleep patterns. Part of counselling may be aimed at you becoming more assertive.